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Welcome to the
 Anglo-Somali Society

Annual General Meeting, February 2024

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Members and guests were welcomed to the AGM by the President David Brooks in the YMCA, Fitzroy Square, W1, as usual. The Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023 were presented and had been previously circulated. They were pronounced to be in good shape and unanimously accepted as accurate. They had not been audited however due to the ill health of the Honorary Auditor Mohammed A Ali who has had to resign. His work over the years was much appreciated. Now the Society is in urgent need of an auditor. The only matter raised by a member was the failure of the Society to make the Bob Martin Book Award in 2023. David Brooks pointed out that it is surprisingly difficult to find school teachers willing to identify candidates and then to follow them through the process of writing a short essay about themselves for publication in this Journal. He wondered if £50 worth of books did not have the appeal to school pupils, in this digital age, assumed by older Society members like himself. Committee member Dr. Muna Ismail is currently making contact with a school in the hope of being able to make the Award in 2024.


A tiny change to the Constitution was made without opposition. With reference to committee members attending committee meetings the following sentence in Paragraph 4 was deleted: “Missing more than two meetings [per year] will result in loss of position on the Council”. This clause seemed harsh on those who live in distant counties and who can make valuable contributions throughout the year by email. However, Council members are very unhappy when individuals fail to attend meetings without sending apologies beforehand. The Council, through the Chair, has the authority to expect resignation in cases of unreasonable absences.


Officers and members of the Council were thanked for their efforts and devotion during the year. MaryAnn Shank continues as our indispensable USA Membership Representative. Her loyalty and efficiency are greatly appreciated. The re- election of officers and council members was unanimously supported, but it was emphasized that there was no new blood and that new council members are essential for the well-being and future development of the Society. Officers and members are listed inside the back cover. Dr. Mohammed Shire has resigned. Volunteers are more than welcome. Help is needed in particular with the production of this Journal. Conrad Heine and Dr. Martin Orwin have resigned from the Editorial Board and it is necessary to replace them. Many hands make light work.


Following this “formal” part of the meeting we had two fascinating talks on the theme of Climate Change in the Horn of Africa.


Our first talk was zoomed over from Mogadishu by our very own Council Member, Muna Ismail. Muna and her trustees [see slides on pages 4 and 5] from “Initiatives of Change” have been heavily involved with the Yeheb Project. This is an exciting project to promote and hopefully domesticate the Yeheb Plant.


This plant has grown in the wild in the Horn and has the huge advantage of being drought resistant on account of it’s long tap root. It can be used for termite resistant fencing, it can be used as a pigment, it’s nuts are highly nutritious and animals can graze it. Muna and her team are engaged in persuading rural communities to grow this amazing and extremely useful plant.

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